This verse was one of the driving forces behind my 2019 resolution to spend time in God’s Word everyday.
Oddly enough, this verse keeps popping up. It was in the first week of the She Works His Way Bible Reading Plan I’m following and it was included in our church sermon this past Sunday.
Probably God’s way of nudging me towards discipline and intentionality to see this goal through. Because it’s easy to get caught up in the noise and demands of our daily life; neglecting times of solitude, individual worship, and prayer.
If I’m to follow in his footsteps, as 1 John 2:6 says I am, ‘Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.’ Then prayer and spending time with God and being in his Word needs to be of higher priority to me.
In fact, the study notes in my Bible actually stated, ‘perhaps you need to redesign your schedule to find time for earnest prayer….because it is vitally important to seek the Lord before your busy schedule takes over your thoughts.’
Yes! My days always seem to go so much better when I start them in The Word, followed by prayer and connection with God. Or maybe it’s my attitude that takes a slight shift — after time in The Word it seems my grace is greater and love is larger.
But I also believe this will take a great deal of discipline and intentionality {typically in the form of setting my alarm clock 20 minute earlier}. I know that it takes disciple and intentionality to move my body everyday, so why would I believe that it takes any less discipline and intentionality to be in The Word everyday?
Yet, I know that discipline and intentionality in one area of life, often spill over into all sorts of other areas of life. Making this resolution, to be in The Word daily, what I believe to be my greatest New Year’s resolution yet.
Dear God,
Open my eyes to your wonder.
Give me a thirst for your Word,
and discipline to spend time in solitude with you as Jesus did.
Looking for other faith-based posts? You can find my previous weekly Devotional posts by clicking here.
Great post! I would love to switch to doing my Read the Bible in a year reading in the mornings. I agree its easy to prioritize an AM workout, why can’t I prioritize bible reading in the AM.
Caitlin! Yes, it’s seriously THE BEST WAY to start the day! But it does take discipline, just like setting aside time to workout. BUT it’s SO WORTH it! I hope this encourages you to dig into The Word more this year! Thank you for reading this post! Lindsey