I’m finally doing the thing I’ve always said I would do…I’m writing down 3 things I’m grateful for daily and celebrating November for what it really is — a month of thankfulness.
Because the reality is we are all dealing with hard things. Whether it’s loss of a loved one, financial instability, fertility struggles, rocky marriage seasons, and the stresses of life, motherhood, entrepreneurship, or fill in the blank.
Did you know the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day; 3/4 of which are negative. Do you ever sit back and think about what you think about?
I kid you not, one negative thought about my husband not wiping up the crumbs on the counter can spiral into a resentment cycle of me counting all the chores I’ve done and his lack thereof. Meanwhile, he’s belly laughing with my son in the basement wondering why I’ve got a scowl on my face {please tell me I’m not alone here}.
I can read and listen to all the self help books and podcasts on the internet, but the truth is I’m still going to have negative thoughts.
And I know myself well enough by now to know that I can’t choose to overflow with thankfulness on my own. Yes, gratitude journaling can help, but I still need something bigger, God. Reference Romans 8:5-8.
Consciously choosing to center my life on God daily. Using the Bible, the greatest self-help book, to stay totally rooted in Christ. Drawing strength from his words as a plant draws nourishment from the soil.
Dear God,I know myself well enough to know that I can’t choose to overflow with thankfulness + gratitude on my own.So I’m digging my roots deeper into you.Bless me with your grace + may your words overflow my heart with thankfulness.
Found your site looking for workouts. Then I found your devotionals. God seems to point where we need to be at just the right time. Negativity has had a strong presence with me the past few days, this is just what I needed. Thank you for sharing.
Megan! So glad you stumbled across my website + found my devotional posts too! This post is a personal favorite as pretty sure negative thoughts get the best of all of us. Praying you find some encouragement in this post! Have a great day and thanks for checking out this post! -Lindsey
This is the first time to visit your webside and i love it, because share your faith in what you do. God bless u!
Malinalli! I’m so glad you found my website, and thank you for your words of encouragement! Sharing my faith on this blog has been a great accountability factor for me. Thanks so much for checking out my blog and I hope you’ll come back soon! -Lindsey