Punch, jab and kick your way through this 25-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout at home (no equipment needed)! This quick and fun, full body workout burns major calories while sculpting your midsection from every angle.
I personally think boxing and kickboxing workouts are a great way to keep you mentally engaged while you burn calories at a rapid pace.
Cardio kickboxing in particular is one of the best full body workouts you can do at home because it’s low impact, joint-friendly, and travel-friendly!
We’ll jab, punch and kick our way through 25 minutes of upper body, lower body and core exercises. During the kickboxing exercises:
Stay on the balls of your feet and continuously shift your weight from side to side.
Never punch or kick to a full extension. Martial arts techniques say, always keep joints “soft” by pulling your punches and kicks back just before reaching a full extension. This protects your joints from injury and hyperextension, AND increases the amount of calories you burn.
Keep your core tight and create force and resistance with your body through the pushing and pulling motions or punches.
25-Minute Core and Cardio Kickboxing Workout At Home
This express kickboxing class combines bodyweight strength training and balance exercises with heart pumping cardio exercises.
This upbeat kickboxing home workout is a fast-paced and fun way to break a sweat at home.
Add a cardio workout like this one to your workout routine 1-2 times a week.
Targets: Legs, glutes, outer glutes, calves, shoulders, core and obliques.
How To Do A Side Kick And Jack With Overhead Punch
Get into your boxing stance – feet hip-distance apart, knees bent, on the balls of your feet. Bring your hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
Transfer your weight into your right leg (standing leg), as you kick your left leg out to the left side.
When your left foot returns to the mat, “jack” both legs out as you press or punch your hands straight overhead.
Then “jack” your feet back together to return to the starting position.
Modification: Follow Rachel on the left and tap your right leg out instead of “jacking” both feet out.
Start standing in a boxing stance – feet hip-distance apart, knees bent, on the balls of your feet. Bring hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
Laterally hop or shuffle to the right of your mat; landing in a loaded squat position (knees bent).
Once you land, punch your left arm across your body. Rotating through your feet, hips and upper body as you punch (hips follow toes).
Bring your left arm back to your defensive position, or starting position.
Then laterally hop or shuffle to your left, performing a cross-body punch with your right arm.
Squat Front Kick
Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hips, hamstrings, abs and core.
How To Do A Squat Front Kick
Start standing, feet hip-width apart, knees bent, core engaged. Bring hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
Lower down into the bottom of a squat, aiming to get thighs parallel with the ground.
Drive through your heels to stand tall. As you stand, transfer your weight into your left leg as you pull your right knee up towards your chest.
Then hinge back, keeping ribcage to hips open as you kick through your right heel, kicking your right leg straight in front of you as you stand.
Return your right foot to the mat and lower into a squat.
Start standing, feet hip-width apart, knees bent, core engaged. Open your hips to the right so your left foot is forward and right leg is back. Bring hands or knuckles up to “defend” your face in a guard position.
With your right arm, “jab” forward towards the front of the room. Pull your right arm back to your defensive position.
Repeat the jab with your right arm, then punch across your body with your left hand (crossbody punch). Pull both hands back to the defensive position.
Then imagine you’re hitting a “speed bag” (think of any kind of boxing movie you’ve seen, this is the classic move!) for a 4-count. Make large circular motions with each arm as you “hit” your imaginary boxing bag.
Alternating Knee, Knee, Jab, Jab
Targets: Legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, arms, back, shoulders and core.
Pivot to your right, shifting hips, knees and toes.
Reach your hands overhead, then pull your hands down towards the center of your body as you simultaneously drive your left knee up to meet your hands. Repeat for two knee drives on the left knee.
Then pivot back to center, toes pointing forward. Perform two jabs, punching straight in front of you.
Pivot to your left, again reaching your hands overhead and then pulling them down as you drive your right knee up. Repeat for two knee drives on the right knee.
Free 2-Week Strength Program
Kickboxing Workout FAQs
Is Kickboxing A Good Workout To Lose Weight?
Kickboxing is an effective strength and cardio workout you can do at home. It’s a high intensity aerobic workout from start to finish that raises your heart rate and burns calories. That said, a combination of consistent factors will ultimately contribute to fat loss. A well-rounded workout plan, eating in a calorie deficit, and increasing your resting metabolic rate are important, too.
What Are The Benefits Of A Kickboxing Workout?
There are so many benefits to cardio kickboxing workouts! Kickboxing can improve balance, flexibility and coordination, increase blood flow and heart health, and relieve stress. Try a strength and kickboxing workout here!
What Are The Basic Punches In A Kickboxing Workout?
There are 4 fundamental punches you’ll come across in kickboxing workouts. A jab is a straight punch using the hand on the lead side of the body. A cross is a straight punch from the rear arm that requires you to throw a punch from the backside of the body. In a hook, a hooking motion is done with either arm, making a high swinging motion from the side with a flexed bicep. Finally, an uppercut is a hooking motion that starts low and comes up with a flexed bicep.
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